vCardOrganizer Logo Main Window

The main window displays the vCards in the working folder. It functions like a typical explorer window with Copy & Paste, Drag & Drop features. You can choose your preferred view style: tiles, icons, list, or details. Double-clicking any vCard will open the corresponding vCard Window.

Main Window
File Menu
New Create a new vCard using the New vCard Template. You can replace New.vcf in your Documents folder with another template. Download alternative samples.
Settings Access the settings window to change the Working Folder and the New vCard Template.
Page Setup In the Page Setup dialog box, you can:
  • Change the paper or envelope size in Size.
  • Select a tray name or feeder in Source.
  • Print vertically by clicking Portrait or horizontally by clicking Landscape.
  • Change the margins by typing a value in any of the Margins boxes.
  • Change printer settings by clicking Printer.
Print Prints all the vCards in the working folder. Ensure you have a default printer set in the Printers folder.
Print Preview Preview how your vCards will look before printing.
Exit vCardOrganizer will close when all vCard windows are closed.
All vCards Preview
Edit Menu
Copy Copy the selected vCards to the clipboard.
Paste Paste the vCard files previously placed in the clipboard.
Delete Delete the selected vCard files.
Merge Create a new group vCard containing all the selected vCard files.
Split Create a set of vCards, one for each item in the selected vCard group.
Select All Select all vCard files.
View Menu
Choose visualization style: tiles, icons, list, or details.
Tools Menu
Find a vCard Search for the specified text within the vCard files in the Main Window.
Find Duplicates Find pairs of vCards with the same Name, Address, Telephone Number, and/or Email.
Add Formatted Name Add the Formatted Name property to all vCards.
Add Phone Prefix Add or remove a Phone Prefix to all vCards.
Rename vCards Rename all vCards with the Formatted Name.
Backup Copy all the vCard files in the Working Folder to a new location.
Restore Open a vCardOrganizer view using a different folder. This allows you to work with two vCardOrganizer Main Windows simultaneously to compare and update them.
Update Last Revision Automatically update the Revision field after each vCard save.
Help Menu
Help Index and About Dialog

vCardOrganizer Help Index