Follow these steps:
1. Make sure the Bluetooth of your computer is active (some laptops have a switch
or a combination of keys);
in particular, where available, verify that "Allow Bluetooth devices to find
this computer" is checked.
2. From the contacts app in the Android device, click on the Menu-Button, then chooseImport/Export.
3. Then choose Share namecard via
4. Choose Bluetooth
If you receive a single .vcf file, it is possible to split it (from vCardOrganizer Edit menu choose Split)
Follow these steps:
1. Make sure the Bluetooth of your Android device is active.
2. In vCardOrganizer from the menu File select Browse Folder to access the vCard files.
3. Select the vCards you want to transfer and then right click. From the context menu:
a) select Send To and then Bluetooth and follow
the instructions or
b) select Send by Bluetooth to and then the
android device